Friday, September 25, 2009


I'm written in the concrete Of the ghetto streets
Turned inside out with a white sheet

I'm written in my minds peak
Poking holes threw my eye lids
jus so Î can see
Using ventilations threw my heart so I can breathe

I'm written in the trees they smoke daily
Seen by one of the most abhorrence Faded into time
u missed me by the blink of an eye

I'm written in the glance of my spirits
In the hand prints of his ignorance
It’s my honor to be written in Ur what used to be existence

Im written in the flowers in every beautiful place
Smell the sweet love in my in brace
I've wrote blogs in the vines of roses
So if Î say I love you u have my loyalty

I'm written beauteous/flaws
Call me beautiful cuz my heart Shines threw the window of my soul
I'm the aid to Ur band aid that's placed in between Ur finger tips
Commented to the left hand used my right to close the door
To my unsaid tolerance

I'm written in books Ripped pages because looks can be deceiving

I'm written in the sand next to the attractive ocean
Waving to my past as the waters washes me away

I'm written phenomenally call me a women plz
I'm far from a girl see
I've grew my pin to close to me so first hand I know what I'm dealing with

I'm written in the cracks of pipes the tires of cars that flash rims threw the nite
the ones they steal cuz jealous is written in a lot of souls

I'm written in the fight between her an him Sorry
I'm amazing to ur boyfriends eyez
He grins an writes me into his notebook

I'm written in my dads hand bookThe one he never reads
Written in his phone book the one he Never receives

I'm written in my enemy’s hit list Iniquitous symptom’s melt away a lot of hate
So list me in Ur pasted aversion And grow pasted me

I'm written a poet Using words to describe the life I've lived
The things I've seen shit I've been
told The weed I've smoked...

So don’t judge me


I'm written in ur high test me

I'm written in heaven next to the angels who know me
The light shines bright and the night falls dark Call me
in the honor of a life that was taken
I use my eyes an my soul to live life for those who have fallen

I am written

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